“Ant Forest”: Turning Every Low-Carbon Action into Green Hope

With the intensification of global climate change and the increasing prominence of environmental issues, more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of conservation. However, transforming environmental ideas into concrete actions in daily life remains a pressing challenge. Against this backdrop, Alipay’s “Ant Forest” has emerged as an innovative platform that tightly integrates low-carbon actions with environmental achievements.

Low-Carbon Actions: A Green Transition from Online to Offline

Green Sustainability

Since its launch in August 2016, “Ant Forest” encourages users to accumulate energy through daily low-carbon behaviors such as walking, cycling, online bill payments, and using shared bicycles. Users can use this accumulated energy to plant trees in a virtual forest. These virtual trees eventually become real saplings planted in desertified areas of China.

By the end of 2023, “Ant Forest” had attracted over 500 million users, planting more than 200 million trees in desertification control areas across Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, and other provinces. These trees annually absorb approximately 3.7 million tons of carbon dioxide, equivalent to reducing emissions from about 1.5 million cars per year. Additionally, these trees play a crucial role in windbreak, soil improvement, and water conservation, significantly enhancing local ecological environments.

Gamified Experience: Making Conservation Fun and Meaningful

Collecting energy by planting trees in Alipay Ant Forest

“Ant Forest” employs gamification to make low-carbon actions enjoyable for users. Users can see their virtual trees grow in the app, experiencing a sense of achievement and fulfillment. Interactions and competitive mechanisms among friends further boost user engagement. For instance, users can steal energy from friends, adding interactivity and enjoyment.

In 2020, “Ant Forest” launched the “Earth Day” event, attracting active participation from many users. During this event, users could complete specific low-carbon tasks to earn limited-edition virtual plants and have the chance to win physical rewards related to environmental protection. During the event period, there was a noticeable increase in users’ low-carbon behaviors, with many stating that this approach made them more aware of environmental issues and more inclined to maintain low-carbon actions in their daily lives.

Social Responsibility: Green Collective Action from Individuals to Corporations

In addition to the active participation of individual users, “Ant Forest” has also garnered attention and support from numerous corporations and institutions. Through collaboration with these businesses, Alipay has had a significant social impact in the field of green public welfare. For example, companies like Alibaba and Didi Chuxing contribute substantial energy to the “Ant Forest” project by encouraging their employees and users to participate in low-carbon actions. This joint participation of businesses and individuals further amplifies the environmental effects of the project.

In 2021, Alibaba announced the inclusion of the “Ant Forest” project in its corporate social responsibility plan, committing to invest 1 billion yuan over the next five years to support the development and expansion of “Ant Forest”. Additionally, Alibaba plans to collaborate with more environmental organizations and research institutions to further enhance the project’s impact and sustainability.

Technological Empowerment: Driving a New Path for Sustainable Development

Alipay scan-to-pay

The success of “Ant Forest” lies not only in its innovative concept but also in the technological support behind it. Through big data and cloud computing technology, Alipay accurately records and calculates users’ low-carbon behaviors, providing real-time feedback on energy accumulation. This model of technological empowerment serves as a charitable model for other companies and organizations, promoting the achievement of sustainable development goals.

In 2022, Alipay partnered with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to promote low-carbon environmental protection projects globally. Both parties plan to leverage the successful experience of “Ant Forest” and expand it to other countries and regions, encouraging more people and businesses to participate in environmental actions. This initiative not only injects new vitality into the global environmental cause but also demonstrates the leadership of Chinese enterprises in global sustainable development.

Future Vision

Trees planted by Ant Forest have already "eliminated" many deserts.

“Ant Forest” is not just a charity project but also an innovative platform that integrates environmental ideas into daily life. By encouraging everyone to accumulate energy and plant trees through small actions, it demonstrates the power of transforming every low-carbon action into green hope. In the future, with increased participation from individuals and businesses, “Ant Forest” will bring more greenery and vitality to our planet. Let’s work together starting now, with every low-carbon action, to contribute to the protection of our Earth.


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