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Xiaomi SU7 deliveries exceeded 10,000 for 3 months

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Xiaomi SU7, which had previously been held back by production capacity, seems to be getting back on track.

Xiaomi announced its delivery result for August: more than 10,000 vehicles, and it has exceeded 10,000 every month for three consecutive months. It is expected that the annual delivery target of 100,000 units will be completed ahead of schedule in November.

This is Xiaomi’s first time making a car, and it is truly an outstanding achievement to have achieved such a result.

Xiaomi not only makes good mobile phones, but its smart home products and various small products are also very popular in the market because it can always produce good quality products at affordable prices.

I hope Xiaomi will continue to exert its strength in the electric vehicle market and make the competition in this market more intense, so as to promote the faster development of technology and innovation.

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